Dec 28, 2023
Bestest of 2023 - part 2
In this blogpost I am covering the bits of work that I most enjoyed painting or came out nice from the commission side of my painting in...
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Jan 8, 2023
2022 Fabtastic Faves of the year...
2022 has continued to be massively busy for me. So busy i actually get a bit stressed out if i feel that I am falling behind on delivery...
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Sep 23, 2022
Now you see it now you don't - Painting Modern British Camouflage
I recently completed another eclectic job for a South Korean customer of which part was the painting up of these White Dragon modern...
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May 28, 2022
As full of spirit as the month of May
As those of you who had to study Henry IV part one at school ( in the olden days ) might recognise, the quote above is Shakespeare....
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Dec 24, 2021
Bestest of 2021
Personal favourites from this year. As usual there is no attempt at ordering or even keeping to a top 10. As always I have painted a...
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Dec 11, 2021
Little and Large
Not a blog about 1980s comedians but instead about a 1940s comedic double act, The T35 and T38 Tanks, here represented by Trenchworx...
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Aug 22, 2021
Best AFVs of the war, year by year. Part 1 1939.
Having watched lots of top 5 tank videos on you tube I thought to myself that I could do a top 5 tanks of my own despite the fact that I...
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Jul 7, 2021
Japanese Armour - Not the easiest...
Identifying and painting Japanese armour is not the easiest task for many of us. Japanese armour is just not as familiar to us growing up...
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Jun 26, 2021
10 most favouritest WW2 German vehicles I have painted
Over the years I have had loads of German WW2 stuff pass across the painting desk, mainly in 28mm but also in 15mm. German commissions...
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Apr 17, 2021
Winter Kriegsfuhrung
As everybody knows Germany invaded the USSR on 21st June 1942 in Operation Barbarossa and was spectacularly successful in terms of enemy...
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